
Address: 38 Noksapyeong-daero 40na-gil 이태원오후 201, Yongsan-gu, Seoul 140-202, South Korea

Postal Code: 04351

Location: Itaewon, Seoul. It’s the most English-friendly neighborhood in Korea!

Dates: August 4-5th

Workshops: Sui and Polygon workshops will be hosted on the 4th to start the hackathon

Prizes: 7k general + 3k polygon specific (more info below)

Tracks: EVM, Move on Sui, Rust

Directions: Noksapyeong Station is the closest. Take the elevator up and cross the skybridge. Once you’re here, walk up the hill towards our address and you should see the house.

Wifi Basement

name: Ohooo_B_main 5G

pass: ohooob0101

Wifi 1st Floor

name: Ohooo_1F_main 5G

pass: ohooo10101

Keeping up to date

Join the official telegram to get updates: https://t.me/+HRlFso-XwHZhN2Fl. Also, feel free to introduce yourself or ask any questions.

Tentative Schedule

August 4th

Noon: Opening keynote and ceremony

1-2:30: Sui workshop

3:45-4:30: Polygon workshop

5-7: Hacking and vibes + dinner

7-8: Dinner + hangout

8→: Hacking

August 5th
